awesome, paula's new look hair
This will be the last Business short for awhile. Working on my Halloween Funfest Flash now, will I hope will scare you guys good! Anyway, I tried to make this one a lot more dynamic than Ranger Business, using a lot of camera effects that I'd usually be to lazy to do.
This is an animated version of MysticPryoFreak's episode 4 promo for her radio show "Mother Said Not To". It's really cool, if you like EarthBound, or the Mother Series in general, you should definitely listen to it! It's on the Fan Forum section of the Forums. one writes reviews these's kinda disheartening...
awesome, paula's new look hair
This is actually the only Mother submission that I enjoyed on the site.
The characters personalities (especially Lucas') were on point, and no one got hit by a car in Onett (overused Mother 2 joke in just about every submission).
Thank you.
Lol thanks. But all the credit really goes to Mystic Pyro Freak. She was the one who created the original audio. I just animated it. :3
What's that song that plays when Paula is praying?
It's a song from the game EarthBound. It plays during certain parts. You can download it at
Very nice
Good to see another Earthbound parody and i'm even more ecstatic it had voice acting that was really good and fit the characters perfectly,i'm not too familar with on the forums so i don't quite know what Pokey was getting at but regardless it was still a well made Earthbound flash i also really loved Lucas at the end. =)
If you liked that, I'm working on a great EarthBound Parody based on a hit EB RadioPlay at
You'll love it. Trust me.
Another great episode.
These things are just too funny... GREAT job with syncing the voices with the characters, and adding appropriate effects (such as Lucas's enlightened atmosphere, heh).
Looking forward to more in the near future. :)
Lol, thanks much. Right now I'm preparing to work on a Halloween related EarthBound Flash for's Halloween Funfest Contest. Tis gonna be scary!