it was cool
Fancy Dog watches tv!
-Note: If you do not know the story, I encourage you to watch the previous episodes-
After a long hot day of watering the garden, Fancy Dog sits down to watch some good tv shows.
What will he be watching? Sadly he has run out of pornography so he has to watch something even better...
it was cool
The most promising short film of 2008. I recommend this to anyone, it will have you laughing for days.
Independent Rated it 10/10, as have I.
Good work on Fancy Dog, you brave noble young log.
Thanks pommy.
it was really strange, but there wasn't anything of much interest in the movie. The graphics where good but thats about it, its just one big loop
Hes watching tv. Whats hard to understand about that?
good job jake that was gr8
I got a little dizzy watching fancy dog watch himself watch watching himself watch himself but it did make me laugh. The animation was smooth and fancy dog was looking fancy as always. Good job sir.
Why thank you good sir.