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In regards to right&wrong

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With this I hope to help the people of the world think about what is right and wrong, and exactly what seperates the two. Please realize that this is an experimental flash compared to the norm of the site.
Enjoy :)
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Boring, and not really expiremental.

Without going into detail on the argument itself, it shouldn't even be worth mentioning that this is incredibly boring from the viewpoint of visuals and general entertainment.

That said, most of what you're saying here has been said already, and better at that. For the most part it seems more like you're going over things that are a given- that yes, there is more to right and wrong and in a lot of situations the moral line blurs, but all you're saying here seems to be "If you commit an act of right or wrong, then you must face the consequences set fit by your peers, especially provided if them or their morals guide them to a different conclusion."

The message is incredibly basic and it's handled in a completely uninteresting way. To be honest even the vocabulary feels incredibly dry; while it may be fitting and gets the message across with as much clarity as possible, it feels incredibly boring and mundane and it makes the info presented even more boring as a result.

I'd give a few stars for the music, but it isn't yours so I don't feel like handing you that allowance.

With all this said, this isn't 'expiremental', as far as I could call it. To be honest that line feels more like a cop-out considering I wouldn't even call this a flash so much as a slideshow of a few paragraphs. For one to call this expiremental it should atleast try and use new, different styles or work outside the boundaries of the norm, but this didn't do that- I see plenty of shitty flashes scroll through text like this, as if it were a powerpoint rather than an animation, but to be fair to them they generally have some semblance of graphics. As a matter of fact, this flash is the polar opposite of expiremental; it's so basic and mundane I would say that this is exactly the bottom of the barrell as far as flash making goes- a slideshow. That's all this was.

If you want to improve, I would suggest you try your hand at making graphics, even if they are just static- it would improve it atleast slightly.

That said, I don't find this to be enjoyable or interesting at all, and while there's some obvious thought to it it feels like you put in absolutely 0 effort and it shows. It's style over substance, pretentious and dull. Actually make a flash next time.

TrevorW responds:

I'm not going to argue. This was almost 2 years ago and thankfully I am leaps and bounds from where I was then. At least it used a few basic comands....that I googled :)

Let's see if I get this...

So are you stating the difference between what the individual THINKS is right compared to the realities of what actually is right? Or perhaps should we say the difference between percieved justifiaction and absolute truths? After all, someone could kill a tyrant with a bomb, setting his people free, but he still commited an act of murder, which is wrong. Although the blame could be put upon the tyrant for pushing the people to the point that they murdered him, they/the man still chooses to kill.

I dunno, the phrases whipped by so quick my short term memory didn't have time to register them very well, so my perception of your message is probably warped.

TrevorW responds:

I think you have a pretty good idea of what it is about mate. Is the action for the greater good? I leave you with that to ponder on.

Thanks for the review :)

It Makes Me Think Of A Scene...

A Scene Where A Suddenly Enlightened Knowledge Seeker Has Just Found Their True Placement In Life And Their Getting Ready For A Journey

TrevorW responds:

Sounds good to me!

truly remarkable

I love the way you have it set out
you can imagine a person of such strength speaking of this to a crowd of people in an assertive/agressive type of way
enthusiastically I ithink is the term I am looking for
it is great how you have it in segments, gives a bit more of an impact
awesome job

TrevorW responds:

Thanks :D

Well...In regards to Opinions

If you consider yourself a flash artist, I would have to agree. I've viewed many flash submissions on Newgrounds and I have to admit that about 80% I've seen so far shouldn't be here at all, but that's my opinion. As a fellow artist, beauty is in the eye of the beholder as well as conceptual identity. Instead of watching a bunch of meaningless cartoons, maybe a dose of reality and retrospect isn't so bad. It is what it is and I felt your submission delivered its message. Now I'm off to watch more cartoons and cast my votes..Good job

TrevorW responds:

Thanks and I think you are right :)

Credits & Info

2.37 / 5.00

Sep 28, 2008
12:56 AM EDT