good game
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Now there's a new version available for iPhone, iPad and Android! Head to for download links!
Updated game to have MEDALS :D
Updated game to include SAVE + LOAD. Make sure you have cookies enabled =)
Combining the puzzle-genre and basic programming logic, your job is to control a mini robot through the factory and light it all up. Quite quickly you will realize that basic forward logic isn't going to get the job done, and soon enough you will start thinking with functions and creating intricate bot commands to achieve the ultimate goal.
good game
I played this at my school
Hey everyone i finished the lightbot level 1-12 i got the 3 badges key puncher systems analyst and PROgrammer.
Another game that I defeated when it was released, but I never reviewed. Fun flash all about programming. Graphics have that retro vibe.
The medals work, and I earned them all.
this is so freaking fun & i love how its played buuuut i could never be a programmer xD