Came a long way from Terkoiz vs. Zackie. Very nice!
Numerous errors, countless problems. I really spent tons of effort making this. This is just a preview of the stick animation i'm showing. I just want to hear your comments on it and tips to improve on it. Preloader by Lazer.B. If THey don't show a preloader, plz kindly wait while your computer is loading a 1.8 MB.
Enjoy :)
Sorrry about the major laggage!
EDIT : This is an inspiration from Strider By devilsheep. Peace out. XD
Came a long way from Terkoiz vs. Zackie. Very nice!
Thanks man. Have you seen Just a collab part yet? You'll love it :)
Red helicopters and blue guns.
I can definitely see where you were inspired from Strider, even though I planned to take the story in a slightly different direction. Your sense of cinematics and awareness of the camera is excellent - much more defined and mature than most of your colleagues. Try not to overuse the filter effects...when used in the right amounts they can be lethal - when overused there is nothing to help distinguish between special effects and what you're trying to portray. Your backgrounds and artwork are amazing - sometimes the objects (helis, guns) don't blend well but if you keep in mind what kind of atmosphere you are trying to develop then eventually you will get it down (for instance, is this a futuristic setting?) - this is only a preview anyway. I enjoyed this one and I really hope you continue. Keep up the good work.
lol, i never actually thought you'll reviewed this. =) Thanks.
I'll do my best to knock you flat!
Hey Zack
Greenlamp from Fusion-Revolution here, lets give you some comments.
Lets see, where to start.
Its better than what i could do, but you could touch some things up.
Story: 3/10
Sorry, its an alright idea, just that so many people do that, know what i mean??
Next one, make the story original. (Its hard to do with sticks i know!)
Graphics 7/10 (1/10 comparing with KS and The Castle)
I've noticed people are using the effects in flash a shit more than they should.
I think in looks crap.
You on the other hand make great backrounds, blur it just the right ammount.
I just dont like the coloured chopper, to blurry, cant understand the detail, it makes it look sloppy. (Like my typing :P)
Sound 2/10
It's alright if you did it yourself, mabey change your voice alot more though for different characters, or they sound the same.
Music 6/10
Good for sticks
Overal allright, your pretty cool.
Nytro Carbon Goooooodnes.
thanks and it's pretty obvious that my animation can't be compared to KS and castle cause the persons making them are PROs.
and why are you comparing my animations with PROs?
Totally Awesome!~~~@~@~@~@~@~@~@~
First of all, you have improve a lot since i last met u.The review below is wad i feel about this Great animation.
The Preloader and menu---Scored 7/10>>>A bit crappy and the menu are glitchy.
The introduction--------------Scored 9/10>>>Great storyline introduction and great
intro animation.
The Animation-----------------Scored 10/10>>Great drawings and backgrounds,
Fluidness is applied to animation.
Sometimes are abit laggy and its
CPU intensive for my pc!!XD
Voice Acting--------------------Scored 6/10>>>Not considered as the best of the best
because of the echo-ing is heard...
Art and background----------Scored 10/10>>Im totally impressed with the
background, Helicopter, the guns ETC...
Hope to see more awesome
background and arts from you
Overall Score-------------------Scored 10/10>>Comments---Great Blockbuster!!!!!
The next generation of guru animation.
Alternative animtion that looks similiar>>>Castle series, Xiao xiao series...!!!!
WOOT YOU ROCK!!!!!!!@@@@@@@@@
You made my day, thanks alot, dude
And yea i'm gonna edit some parts to reduce lagg and fix the voices. But i won't fix all the voices though. Take a lot of time, my exams is in 3 weeks time O.o!
Not too bad
Well, to start off, I will not be as nice as I was in my other reviews. I will be more serious here. Well, you have improved from your past works and this is alot better. The storyline sounds okay but the voices need improving alot. The expression in your voices are good but it's just, you sound weird. Umm, the drawings and backgrounds have improved, and animation also. I liked it but not that much. I'm not a stick guy. but I can say that the actual movie itself looks promising from this preview. You better finish the actual movie.
Finally, something i've waiting for from you. Thanks. Do you still animate?