wuts the song at the beginning screen
Edit: YEEE Front Page (8 days of it), Daily Feature, Weekly 4th, Review Crew Pick!!
Note: See my latest news post for credits music.
If anyone wants to challenge me in Audiosurf on Steel Dragon (credits song), I dare you to de-throne me! >:D
Edit: Jesus Christ people, you don't have to try that hard. :[
HOLY CRAP IT'S FINALLY DONE. This is by far my longest and best flash ever, weighing in at 8 minutes and 10 seconds of actual movie time, not including credits. It's been in production since mid-2007 and I never got around to making it until now. I'm willing to bet that I've encountered more glitches in Flash than Adobe has even heard of (lazy fucks) while making this pain-in-the-ass movie.
Vote 5, and have a Happy Lock Day. I hope you enjoy it more than I enjoyed making it, which is very likely.
wuts the song at the beginning screen
Love the Team Fortress 2 joke I am an average enjoyer of that game.
Nice job with the mario references (including the mario rpg song), quite funny and random, but where did you get the remixed geno's woods/forest maze from. But anyway nice job on it, my jaw is so sore from laughing.
I think I got it from some 'alternate SSBB sountrack' thing or something-rather.
Looks like Master has to go to seven more castles in order to find those cookies. Seriously, do the villians really need so many castles. The cookies better be the best-tasting things in the world. Oh, by the way, AWESOME MEGA MAN THEME!!!
yeeeah boooy
what the hell is a samegame
but great flash
You don't even want to know.