Fun, but I would much prefer caring for the animals, as girly that may sound.
They were at the end of your bed when you were little,
They comforted you when you were sad,
They always accepted a hug.
But the fact is, you don't give a crap about "cute" things anymore, all you want to do is blow up stuff.
Welcome to Wuppa arena where you can take your anger out on
the all the cute little wuppas.
The controls are the arrow keys and A,S,D keys.
Z goes to the main menu
Q changes the quality
This is a little side trip I took from Wuppa World which is going to be much better,I just made this because someone suggested I released it.
So have fun and remember,if it doesn't hurt you,
you don't care.
Fun, but I would much prefer caring for the animals, as girly that may sound.
Where is the Guts 'N' Gore!?
This may seem sadistic but this game would be great if there were brutal weapons. Its just a little wimpy at the mo. You could think about including some sort of combo for multiple hits.
Thanks for the suggestions, I will improve on it!
Getting there
It was fun for a few minutes. I can't wait to see wuppa world. You should put instructions in the gamem
Thanks man, I was depressed for a full five minutes until this came along!
not bad
if there was more depth to the game, and more controls. and possibly an instructions "IN" the game it would have been better.
no point...
I found this game extremely boring and not worth my time...sorry
Thanks,it's nice to get some honesty and no one really crashing down on me.