This is great
Why cant the kk do this.
The usual procedure which takes place when the Kitty Krew submits another "masterpiece".
This actually is a parody of "Submit", related to your favorite spamgroup! :3
But in this case the opponents just represent those who don't judge fairly...
What side will you choose?
Balls: Unblamable is just the title of this submission, so please watch BEFORE judging...
This is great
Why cant the kk do this.
Because we usually are lazy fucks...
Do you really respond to every comment?
Because if you do that's so boss! You bring honor to the kitty krew!
ye I do because I have no life! =D
Naw, glad you liked it man... too bad the kk doesn't exist anymore... was quite a great bunch of people
can't even press the 0 button
cuz this , is so freaking great man! :D smooth, awesome, KK beatin soem angry FAEC, t'shit is sweeeeeeeeeet!
KK 69
NG 0
I like including some details... good eyes, sir
Well animated
Thanks man
It was very very smooth, surprisingly that's rare... Nicely drawn and fun to watch. ^ ^ 5/5 10/10
glad you like it