pretty aweasome possum freakazoid fuckin lunatic
An Dentist is on the loose! Ahhh!
Blak Tornado 2007
Song lyrics:
I'm a dentist with ever so much time,
to treat you as long as you have a dime,
With queues low so you don't have to wait
to get service at a premium rate.
But you have not explained to me
how you're the man that you claim to be
to me, all you speak is lies,
But then again, my ears are eyes.
Well my origin is a tale to tell,
I tried to climb but I always fell,
but one day it though of this,
I shall---
become a dentist.
and be the bestest,
medal encrusted
for those who don't know and actually care: I released this yesterday and changed it according to feedback. So far, it seems to be doing better than the first version.
pretty aweasome possum freakazoid fuckin lunatic
This is really good. How long did it take to make,..including the script and song? Thanks for putting a smile on faces and keep up the good work- get more deserving medals. You will I am sure.
Time to watch the rest! I'll be sure to share, I LOVE clay stuff! (I'm making a "Clay Gr8 CreClayations" playlist,..starting immediately)
Okay, I admit it does remind me of Knox's stuff a lot. It's something about the violence. The voices could probably be better. Then again, his weren't that good. The animation is fairly nice. I wasn't expecting that song.
I really should look at the author's comments before watching. Eh, this isn't the website for reading. This was pretty catchy. I think dentists actually were once surgeons. They just narrowed their practice down.
nice vid and u did it out of clay. awesome!!!!!
YAY 5th daily place
well done!!! xD
loved the song~!!