Very fun
Golf Your Way To Victory, With 1 Reqular Game And 1 Secret! My 3rd Flash Game I Made! Tell Me What To Add In The Next Virson, I Have A Lot of Ideas So Far. By Watmat, Help From SafetoEat, and Music By g-r4ve Also, Look For The Secret Game!
Very fun
This game is nothing like I expected! It's all techno! I hate techno stuff! I thought it was gonna be a regular game where you play on a golf course and use a driver, wedge, putter and all of that, but instead it's a techno-no-good-golf-game.
not bad
but can u please make a button to mute the sound?
and after that learn to draw a bit nicer :D
ok, i will
not bad
clever game that was funny, but i was hoping for something longer.
sure, i will make another
"Nice, you killed someone" LMFAO!
Great game - awesome music ;)
thanks, i liked that part 2