this had everything a good flash needs, bad voices, angry old geezers, and tons of profanity.
bad voices suck, angry old geezers suck, and just saying fucking 10 million times doesnt make something funny, just boring.
Hi, Me, Shane and Shawn all worked our asses off to bring you this movie! Vote nice!! Play nice!! and BE NICE!!
this had everything a good flash needs, bad voices, angry old geezers, and tons of profanity.
bad voices suck, angry old geezers suck, and just saying fucking 10 million times doesnt make something funny, just boring.
not bad
this had everything a good flash needs, bad voices, angry old geezers, and tons of profanity.
Damn, that was really funny!! I know he doesn't sound like that, but I really liked the voice you used. Nice work! Jean Chretien sucks ass!!!
Chreitien may sound stupid, but jeez not that stupid, plus, french cats dont have mustaches
fucken Chreiten
It Funny