This is a paradise
No you are!...?
fo shinkel
fo shinkel
"Fo shinkel" is right!
Dam straight.
It was ok
Yah, it was pretty relaxing, it was very repetitive and got boring, the music was annoying at first, i mean it was good animation and OK graphics. If you really tried to make a nice flash movie and with a good storyline i would see a good future for you in flash. -thx
Lol, cheers man. This is actually my first semi-proper flash I've made. I made it in this class I do, just after I'd learnt the art of movie clips. This was in March or April sometime. This guy, Snakey, harrassed me to upload it on this random account we created during another class. I'm glad you could... appreciate it, lol.
My more modern and sophisticated flash movies are more impressive. I'm soon uploading a trailer for an epic cartoon I've ben working on. I'll make an alpha. Lol, you probably don't care but I need to confirm that I'm not second rate try-hard flash artist.