I Think It's Hilarious
I Like The Flash From Explosm, Cyanide & Happiness And I Like This!
April fools hospital fun! Inspired by explosm, cyanide and happiness. I thought up the joke and stuff.
I Think It's Hilarious
I Like The Flash From Explosm, Cyanide & Happiness And I Like This!
just one problem
This would be funny, except for the fact that, IT'S NOT APRIL FOOLS DAY!!! What's your next flash cartoon? Santa Claus and the Easter bunny being shot on April Fools Day? Why not have them trick-or-treating with Cupid and throw in some more inappropriate holiday fun?
i dont give a shit about the date, i'm not going to wait a year to submit this
homm hamburger
A bit twisted... I particularly liked the mouth movement on the characters, it was done well, and not just some randomly opening and closing one that most people here use.
I thought the patient was gonna get up and be like "April Fools" or something.
shit! why didnt i think of that
It'd be a little better if this was submitted on well..april fools, but it gave me a chuckle. I go to explosm too :P they have good comics.
Overall a 6/10 should be about average.
altough it was kinda cruel. it wasnt that bad. drawings arent that bad. but its nothing new, and not too intresting. its too short. next time make a longer one ;)
nice review, i like your audio submissions, how the hell do you do that? what program? PM me