Holy mother of... Like said before you used the same repeating loops over and over. Maybe change this and but some funny things in it. And that doesnt mean you have to put in so many hardcore etc, but.. anyway good luck.
A singing head sings it's head off.
Holy mother of... Like said before you used the same repeating loops over and over. Maybe change this and but some funny things in it. And that doesnt mean you have to put in so many hardcore etc, but.. anyway good luck.
What was that?
I don't mean to offend, but holy crap, I getting really tired of flashes that just loop, and nothing else happens. Lol, you might think I'm a hypocrite because of my Clock Day '07 flash. But I added webcam functionality to make it more fun :D Lmao
Good Art though, work on your animation skillz, you show real promise in the art department.
It doesn't JUST loop, the severed head lip-synchs to the song.
Yeah. No
First of all, actually do something if you're going to make a flash about a song. Second, don't ruin anything by the Beatles in such a way as that. Third, you're animation wasn't incredibly bad. Just pointless. Make something interesting next time. This will most likely be blammed.