great job thanks strawberry clock for restoring time xD
It has come to my attention that there are a few people on newgrounds.com who are not too fond of the clock crew. Thus, this movie has been created to show all of you what the world would be like if there were no clocks. Enhoy!
great job thanks strawberry clock for restoring time xD
this is some funny shit
quite hillarious really
We need a new clock revolution.
I remember the good ol' days with the clock crew. This movie was a little on the mediocre side, but I don't care, it's old and a clock classic.
This is a pretty crappy flash, and I havent even seen the clock crew or whatever they are on newgrounds, but I think I will check them out, but this still sucks.
lol the only thing i liked about it was the end " and once again the day is save thx to ,strawberryclock" that was good