My fingers hurt. Namely my index and my middle. While it is cool that movement is genuine snake style, it is not what my fingers were meant to do.
IT IS A HIGHSCORE GAME, try to get as much score as possible. That's what it's all about.
This is a game inspired by Snake and Marvin Spectrum and is about you controlling a Hebi and hunt for apples, because you'll need apples in order to protect yourself from the falling spikeballs, and those are the ones you'll get score from too.
You use only the left and right arrow to move your Hebi and you do it by doing a crawling movement with the Hebi. It's hard but once you get the idea, it's really easy. Your only other controls are the numbers 1, 2 and 3 to change color and the mouse to click on the "buy hearts"-buttons.
My fingers hurt. Namely my index and my middle. While it is cool that movement is genuine snake style, it is not what my fingers were meant to do.
What an original game idea! I was much amused by this nifty little game...
First time around I think I didn't get the stationary blobs and also didn't know that you could change colours... I don't read things in advance O_o
keep up the good work
nice game
nice game it was fun, but after a while I got tired of it.
Preety fun looked the music went off during the secend or third try but it was still fun i hink it was awsome
I enjoyed playin it so much but my best score was only 710! lol