i like it
but it needs to be longer soo remake a longer one
The epic song by Nancy Sinatra is brought to you as it should be. Exploring the youth of two children from the genesis of their relationship to the finale. Ending in turmoil and depression for both sides... I present to you bang bang!
i like it
but it needs to be longer soo remake a longer one
should have been longer and it looks like you don't know how to use flash that well
sorry but it is true could have looked better. looks like you are not a good artist, but work on it and make another one that is LOOOnger and better...first ones are always the hardes
too short...
should have been much longer, could have made a really ncie flash.
not bad
i thought it was pretty ok. too short though.. maybe go through the whole song next time and really tell the story.. but still pretty good.
WTF is wrong with the Score???
I really enjoyed this animation... I guess because I'm in college and this had an epic intellect behind it... I'm not sure why the score is so low... *scratches head*
Anyway I enjoyed it... Keep up the good work, and keep working to make your stuff better, always room for improvment... But this should easily be at least a 3.00...
I'll vote 5...