The creepiness factor kinda saves this from being a wash, I was kinda hoping for something a little more varied, maybe if you'd made a pig that was head bashing to Cannibal Corpse, a pig prancing to the nut cracker... just somemore variety.
Divorce touches us all. Just don't take your failure as a husband and you lack of ability to take a movie out on my movie. Just buy the ticket. And once you do that, I will personally stop turning your wife on sexually. PICLOWNJEW CREW.
The creepiness factor kinda saves this from being a wash, I was kinda hoping for something a little more varied, maybe if you'd made a pig that was head bashing to Cannibal Corpse, a pig prancing to the nut cracker... just somemore variety.
Geico caveman
That was my favourite part...afterwords I went and downloaded the song. Its too bad you couldn't have included more of it...I'm not even very fond of the rest of the collab, but whatever :) I still like it.
the geico caveman! lol that was about the only funny part though. i mean, it wasnt BAD, but it certainly wasnt great seeing as how many artists were involved.
Whats to say..
There isnt much to it, but it wasnt bad.
Bottom right ftw