de donde eres??
Eres de Puerto Rico o no??
Hey guys I finished the second part here it is, and I hope you like it... and we'll see later...
and I'm working in a English spoken vertion
de donde eres??
Eres de Puerto Rico o no??
nop Dominican Republic
es que vu compony l'ongle?
?es que compaba l'ongle, espanol'
heeee.... I didn't understand what you mean, tu parles Francais?, english?, Español, Portuguese?.... well what ever you said.... ok! :)
buen trabajo y la historia fue muy interesante
y viste la primera?... si no la has visto es mejor que la veas, asi tendras una mejor nocion de la historia... ah! y la 3ra parte Comming soon!!
That was one of the best stick movies I've ever seen! Nice job. The only thing was the Spanish was a little bit annoying. Maybe say it in English next time...
thanks man I'll submit the English vertion as soon as posible!!
and wait the 3th part!!
diferent people different tastes
dont let me dishearten you but i didnt like this at all.. others may but nah.... spanish.. no thanks.. yes working on an english version ok ill let you off that... but the sound effects were just too repetative.... the bullets outta the guns... bigger than the actual gun/ same size... Hmmmm
And also the english subtitles... its more like spellcheck titles cause well... i just said it all.. spell check =(
but keep up with flash.. you have a certain talent... but stickmen arnt exactly creative =)
well, thanks any way. I think I'm not so good with that thing of subtitles.