good bad helpful dosn't look good and when the tutorial is not doing well people dont trust it much
Hi there folks, I have made a basic actionscripting tutorial aimed at the noobs of actionscripting. This tutorial will cover the basics of an RPG style game and Platform..this tutorial will cover some techniques that may be usful for making games.
This is a simple tutorial with no fancy graphics or music. But for each tutorial you do in this Basic Actionscripting tutorial there will be an example of what certain codes can do, such as if you move a character into spikes then you dissapear. I hope this tutorial may be of use to you and enjoy.
Also..this does not have a preloader..as its only just over 100Kbps to download.
good bad helpful dosn't look good and when the tutorial is not doing well people dont trust it much
Needs to be copy and paste-able
Those codes that you give us, make it so that we can copy and paste plz
people want to copy and paste
or they will probably blam it so please make it copy and paste becuasei had to type all of it in notepad and made a mistake and im not typing it again
Could be better
Tip: Don't make copy-and-paste tutorials, people don't learn from them. The good thing is that the text was uncopyable so people do at least have to read trough it. But, the tutorials was good.
Thanks for the tip and review.
I made it a non copy and paste tutorial so people will read it and try to understand it..not just copy it down..thats not the point of tutorials. Well..at least in my eyes :)
Not bad...
you should make it so the text is copy and pasteable. That would help
That is true..but then its not much of a tutorial? a tutorial is to learn not to copy and paste things into your movie..But next time I will allow people to copy the text. Thanks for the review