Yuffie should get her own movie!
Yay, frontpage again, thanky :)
Frequently complained question: Cloud, Vincent and Seph aren't gay!
Well I'm more referring to what their (mostly female) fandom thinks about them then what happened in the game. Besides, have you LOOKED at Sephrioth's clothing?
Complaint 2: Vincent has guns, not swords!
Well, sorry, i never really noticed. The Uwe Boll powers I have give me the strenght to piss of fans by changing details without even knowing! Bwha ha ha ha!
Whee, I'm going to get killed by all Cloud/ Sepriothfans, hooray.
I noticed Caith saith had a big part in Vincent's game so the ending isn't really accurate..drat.. ah well.
Yuffie should get her own movie!
awesome content I watch you on youtube funny videos
That Cloud was way more energetic than portrayed in recent iterations.
Even when they get their own movie, they don't get to star in it. :(
We need a third character, something new, something fresh
What about another long haired emo gay guy?