congrats on having the lowest scoring game dude.
I'm actualy a game designer in the works.
This is my first experiment with the world of flash programming. I'm used to the animation aspect. I hope you all get a mild kick out of this. I've worked a considerable amount in the code. Please keep in mind that I'm still new at this...thanks
congrats on having the lowest scoring game dude.
not good
ever, is agregiously
You're 'a game designer in the works'? That just sounds cocky. No idea what you mean by that, but you've got a lot of work to do.
++ Intuitive objective.
++ Good music.
--- No difficulty slope. Start is the hardest.
----- The whole game mechanics are broken. As below reviewer pointed out, after killing the first lot, we can easily survive practically indefinitely (there is occassionally a random one set just to move outside the field then come back in) simply by clicking rapidly.
!!!! When we lose, we remain on the screen and continue to attain points.
It strikes me that little actual design went into this. Sure, you may be an aspiring designer, maybe even a skilled coder.
This game, however, is agregiously designed. Broken and unworthy of our time.
no balance
Oce you click the button to start, the guys come down right away. So if you don't know whats gonna happen when you click the button, your dead.
Also, if you do manage to keep them off you for the first attack, you can kill every one of them just by holding down the mouse button. Thats because your fire rate is to high and you bullets don't dissaper when they hit somthing.
You should slow down the enemys and the fire rate to make it more of a skill game. Not a hold the button as long as you can game.
Next time before submiting, make sure to playtest a bit longer.
Good Start
Nice start! Problem is that you need to find the script for the game over. You still can play even if you lose. LOL! Work on normal viewing flash then go to games. It will be hard if you don't!