haha boobs :3
[EDIT] Thanks for the great feedback and views, I love you all and you're the reason I submit things to NG. I've been asked about sequels and related things. Since the original version of this is a comic created by someone else, a sequel is highly unlikely haha :( Anyways, check my other submissions, I'm sure you'd like my other animations or games!
Thanks to everyone for the Daily 5th! :D
This movie was really fun to make. It took me about 1 week of solid work to finish. It's originally a cartoon strip I found at a deviant art. Obviously I asked the author for permission. Anyways, here, ganon turns Link into a girl and he now "feels" what a girl does :P Enjoy!
haha boobs :3
It's... a bit random.
I kind of liked it.
sexy link
his name is not zelda