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LL-ILLegal Immigrants

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Recently, Illwillpress submitted a flash depicting the illegal immigrants in California in a negative light. I wish to make a meaningful rebuttal in response to his flash in order rectify some of the misconceptions he may have spread.
This piece is to make statements against what was said in his flash, not act like "OMGZ ILLWILL BLAMMED HIZ FLASH!!11!"

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B work

Nice. Im close to a few immigrants, maybe even related. The only laws i have seen them break is the vending law (which i dont know that well) all i know is that a permit is needed. Shopping karts are made into vending karts. The reason they stoop to breaking that law is bc jobs are hard to find, especially for the uneducated adult. The younger community is wanted for jobs, but heck, even i whom is 19 can't find a job. I'm sure any other race would do the same thing under the same situation. The stealing part doesn't come from immigrants, it comes from only the greedy, looser assholes that don't want to work for wut they want. I got my bike stolen half a year ago by some greedy, looser asshole...i was too stunned by the moment to react. Immigrants, mexicans aren't lazy at all. The food they sell in their karts takes work to make. The walking in the sun is work. They even do labor work for yards, homes, ect. You sir make a good point and so do the neutral and other sides. The world needs people to bring subjects, which in this case was "ILLWILLPRESS" and the also needs people to adress the subject. Which is wut u are doing. Great job.

JujubeLock responds:

Keep combating ignorance my friend!



JujubeLock responds:

I will be one day.

Comedy should not be taken as a legit opinion.

But Foamy was talking about the POSITIVE effects of Mexicans in his own weird COMEDIC way, he actually wasn't bashing on Mexicans, except two or three lines in that flash that went too far. And when did he call them 'burrito munchers', cause I honestly missed that line.

Now that I got that out of the way:
Yea, there is alot of ignorance in America. But this ignorance, when potrayed in a comedic fashion, is sometimes percieved as the comedian's legit opinion and then bashed. But this isn't a lame anti-Foamy flash; I praise you for that. And one more thing: If Illwill Press was trying to be popular by spreading 'false info' and the like, why would you take it as their legit opinion? If it is a mere attempt to get laughs out of people, then his personal opinion wouldn't affect the flash.

Illwill Press is hilarious, but when people seriously take every single Foamy rant to heart and preach it as though it were some holy text, then they seriously need to take a baseball bat and smash their computer to little tiny bits.

JujubeLock responds:

I will point out the following media operations which will highlight the flaws in your argument implicitly:

Fox News
Ann Coulter
The Daily Show
The Colbert Report


My eyes are open now, no wonder foamy would get "Turd of the Week" for that! All you "Disciples of foamy" are just in denial, you idiots! A Ninja pelican army! I knew they were up to somthin'! P.S. i have nothing against Foamy.

JujubeLock responds:

Yes they are.


Jujube, what you neglected to mention is that these illegal immigrants feel as though they deserve OUR rights, the rights our ancestors fought, bled, and died for. I'm in agreement with you that they are human, and do indeed deserve the basic human rights that they have been denied, don't get me wrong. I also understand their plight, but what I refuse to accept is the idea that they deserve the rights guarenteed to native born Americans. I may be sounding racist, and maybe I am, but I feel as though they are sneaky, will do anything for money, and will break the law and violate other people's rights to get what they want. I am sorry, but that is just the way I feel.

JujubeLock responds:

Since you seem to learn about the world, I will provide you with additional insight. What exactly is "our rights," the right to own property? the right to be free from unfair treatment of the law? the right to the pursuit of happiness? What we have is basic human rights (although many basic human rights are not always provided or protected in this country) and although we had people before us fight for these rights, I don't think they would want us to deny it to these people simply because they aren't natural born. The President of the US is the only political office that requires that a person be a natural born citizen. This country was founded on the principle that "All men are created equal," and we have fought to further extend this principle that "All people are created equal." The rights we enjoy should be rights people in other countries across the globe should enjoy, but we won't reach that point if we deny these rights to supposed "outsiders."

Also, many soldiers in our past wars were immigrants not native to this country who were fighting in order to obtain citizenship, so they have ancestors as well. Additionally, we simply took more than half of Mexico's land in the Mexican-American war when they were under a brutal dictator. California is part of their ancestral homeland as well, is it not?

You aren't racist, but you have an ethnocentrism imbedded in you from your cultural surroundings. We have met few if any of these immigrants so how can we judge their character? And if they need to break laws to survive, is that not a reasonable circumstance to do such?

Thank you for your review.

Credits & Info

3.68 / 5.00

Apr 9, 2006
3:35 AM EDT