the memoreis are to fucknig good with this
*********FLash 8*******
A Fishy Game I Made With Diffrent Difficulty settings when its loads if it says Easy on its own then reload it Up, Down, Left , Right to move around.
Eat fish that are smaller than you and you will grow
big eat one bigger and oh no!
haha that ryhmes
You CAN win it!
the fish get bigger as the game goes on XD
the memoreis are to fucknig good with this
just because you can change difficulity doesnt mean its a good game. the graphics was surprisingly enough EVEN crappier than the original fishy game. the game was too fast and there weren't even a baground! well... overall the original fishy was WAY better and dont think im trying to be cruel or evil or soemthing im just saying what I think. and if you dont acceft what i think then u can suck my fishies!
Good job! You've made a succesful Fishy-type game! Only one problem, the music doesn't loop. Forcing me to rewind the game every time I died for it to come back on. Other than that, you've got a shining star in a mass of crap! :D
not os good fishy game
always when you play fishie games and you stop holding you finger on a arrow key your fish is nit standing still one time here it was a very big problem the concept is good but the slipping is annoying
not bad but robotic fishy is still the best.
You have won! Your final score was: 149456