why does this have such a high score?(no offence halboski)but really the animations were bad and the idea was lame , but how could it win the hourly pick?!
why does this have such a high score?(no offence halboski)but really the animations were bad and the idea was lame , but how could it win the hourly pick?!
turd of the week here we come
Play again? I'd rather not.
I guess it was ok...
But the graphics were pretty sad. I realize that you have already stated that they were from before and I bet that you've improved. There were some laughable moments although some of the scenes went on a little too long. I respect that you didn't cuss some of the stupid reviews. Anyways, good job on an ok flash! O, and to the guy who said flash sucks, SCREW YOU!!! Flash is my life!
That gave me a gooooood laugh! LOL!!
that light saber thin was genious!