Jesus christ, kid!
You went toMr. Owl for this answer? He has a BEAK for chissake! Run away! Run away NOW!!!
You all remember that classic Tootsie Roll commercial, the one with that kid and Mr. Owl? What if the whole thing was a sexual innuendo? Well, the genius minds at Radio F Software are looking into it...
Jesus christ, kid!
You went toMr. Owl for this answer? He has a BEAK for chissake! Run away! Run away NOW!!!
He bit his %*@^ off.
That's gatta hurt.
It didn't really match the title though.
jesus and the shepards!
Oh Yes
A brillaint man made masterpeice special of the TOOTSIE POP COMMERCIAL.
Nice stuff, RFS. I never would've thought of those old Tootsie Pop commercials like that. How that idea passed your mind I would really not like to know.