This probably, you have done it during the last years of activity of randy solem, before being absent for a long time on this page and then passing away in 2012!!!
This was a Flash made for a VGDC contest (Yes i know there are has been lots of these flashes recently and this is probebly not the best one :P). Please enjoy and dont review bad becasue there are to many in the portal.
This probably, you have done it during the last years of activity of randy solem, before being absent for a long time on this page and then passing away in 2012!!!
Babay Mario should die not Yoshi
Gay ass mother fucker but still funny
If that was what i thought it was (which was Yoshi trippin BALLS) then that's one of the funniest shit i've watched! hahaha
i see what you did
like all these yoshi's island flash movies where they show the death of baby mario (which sucks balls!) you did a vice verse and gave yoshi the bad luck instead. i must admit that sucks too because i like yoshi
but however i like it because it didn't invole the death of a baby. i'll give it 6 stars for ok humor
Pretty funny.
I like that "Just get yourself high." I like when yoshi dies.