This is disappointing.
The only reason I'm even giving this a star is because you made a game. For one, there was no challenge until the boss. It's just move, shoot, pick up gold, move, shoot, pick up gold. Graphics suck. Nick Jr. has better games than this. Oh! Don't get me started on the goblin boss. How the hell are you supposed to dodge those axes? No originality. Those pig things(no offense to any Lord of the Rings fans out there, I don't know what they are) look alot like Gammorean guards. Excuse me. Gammorean guards with the response level of an ice cube. I thought to my self; Ooooooh! An FPS! Not many of these on Newgrounds! Turns out it was just a POS. Piece of shit. I wouldn't wish this game on Charles Manson. If J.R.R. Tolkien was alive right now, and played this "excuse" for a game, he would have already grabbed Sting, slit his wrist, and be convulsing as we speak. I think I'm going to go play Minesweeper now. It's like Call of Duty compared to this thing.