That was a funny little video there. Best part was when knoxvile smashed his head aganst the wall. Also your animation is alot like Knox's.
this is my first good animated clay-movie.
If this one doesn't get blammed, I'll make an other part.
That was a funny little video there. Best part was when knoxvile smashed his head aganst the wall. Also your animation is alot like Knox's.
That was shit
that was sweet dude better than your other works you should make more of them, like vive la clay with clay vito and brandon clayamillo that would be sweet!!
not bad at all
as i did the first part of johnny knoxville's voice it's not really fair for me to rate this but i gotta say it's not half bad, yet the sound quality really is bad.
but please excuse him for that as it's his 2nd real movie so it's a really good job
Originality never killed anyone
You get a two for putting forth effort. That is the same as winning honorable mention ribbons in school. The sounds was awful as I could very rarely make out anything being said. Your entire concept for the movie was simply two other things ripped off (KInox and Jackass). If I want to see Knox cahracters doing funny thing, I am going to watch Knox. If I want to see Jackass' men torturing themselves, I will watch them. Please do not mix two things I hold dearly into a ball of filth ever again.