i am the best reviewer ever. wow. nah jk man nice work. havent seen it but. or maybe i have? shit i will watch it again.
This is part two of a comparitive. check out mokujin 5, outline ed. to see quality and filesize differences. =]
i am the best reviewer ever. wow. nah jk man nice work. havent seen it but. or maybe i have? shit i will watch it again.
WOW dude that was fucking awesome. Great animation!
that was great
Hey i was just to say good job and what 3d software was used for this...?E-mail me at brettw9989@yahoo.com .
dont listen to that shit faced motherfucker
it was great man!
um nice...
sound is from tba3 toshimabattlearea 3 or something like that and molujin is from tekken 3 you copyed alot...
no shit! your pretty perceptive. maybe thats why its called Mokujin's Many Talents AND maybe thats why the audio credit goes to Battle Arena Toshinden??? have a look around before u decide i copied it. i MADE it in 3D Studio Max bro.... yes thats Mokujin to the best of my recollection, and yes that is BattleArenaToshinden sounds, AS IT SAYS IN THE AUDIO CREDITZ hehe jeez man.