Pretty cool, some nice 3d graphics, but you could have made it longer.
this is the next mokujin movie, to see how this looks with full 3d color, checkout Mokujin 5, Color Edition.
shit i screwed up the preloader. just right click and stop the movie til its loaded. i'll fix the preloader momentarily
ok its fixed
Pretty cool, some nice 3d graphics, but you could have made it longer.
i prefer this to the color edition i watched b4
mainly becuz this 1 is much quicker, the ova 1 is slo mo. ps the color one is pick of the hour
sweet. never noticed
Nice, very nice indeed, you wouldn't of happend to used swift to import it in did you? if so,sweet!
wtf was that? I'll give you credit for the sounds, although I swear i've heard them somewhere before, but, that movie wasn't that good man.
Title: Mokujin 5, Outline Ed.
Author: phetish phreak (profile)
Site: -
Audio: Battle Arena Toshinden sounds.!!
Origin: 7/12/01
Size: 338k
Score: 3.02/5.00
(272 votes, 2,183 views)
Why did you make this? Oh, and Saito_Tatsuma, nice way to be a fucking kiss ass. Do you get fucked by the creator of this shit?