Darth wookie
vader sounded a bit like a wookie :D and he was to slow but all in all it was good!
This is my first movie and I kept it around so you can see we all started somewhere. And also im not about the BA itas about the entertainment
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This is my first Flash movie submitted to newgrounds and I don't think it is too bad but you'll just have to watch it yourself.
Darth wookie
vader sounded a bit like a wookie :D and he was to slow but all in all it was good!
Sloppy, but good enough.
I think the voice acting for Vader was hard and he took too long to speak, but the flash was HI-larious. I loved the panicking bit, and the pizza thing merited a chortle. It's not the best first try i've ever seen, but it was halfway decent, and deserves to stay on. I gave it a 4/5 just because I think the score deserves to be higher. In reality, it's probably a 2.5. peace.
Terrible and I hate you.
You said: Ninja-chicken's response:
Sorry but that is'nt constructive critisism. Please leave somthing helpful or not at all you stupid nerd
and also after constructive critisizm you said:
Ninja-chicken's response:
CONGATULATIONS. You are the 1,000,000 person to say that you win a big fat middle fingure
You sir are a complete jerkopath.
I suppose I should show more reasons why I'm voting low other than you.
Graphics-My cat can draw better, use sprites if you have to. Take longer too draw!
Style-Not original at all. Get better ideas!
Sound-Need I say it? Don't put your mouth around the mic!
Violence-There was none, other than a two second lightsaber duel. Try and add more.
Interactivity-There was none. Use more buttons/action script.
Humor-It wasn't funny. Try to use better jokes.
Notice everything above I said was complete constructive critisizm.
yeesh talk about sound issues
What makes it worse(than even the sound) is that if there was even a bit of storyline script plan or emotion it would have been merely bad.
So terribly terribly bad..... Its genious!
Just spend the last 5 minutes lolling my ass off at this. Vaders voice is soo fucking shit its hilarious. You can't delete this landmark in comedy history.