Could be better
Mweh, This game wasn't that good. It had some bug's, like reverse doesn't use fuel and if you press right mouse button and than press play, you win the game. Please fix those little things cause they make the game too easy. I think the spaceship could use a different color too, it's a bit hard to see where it is sometimes. Maybe some nice little planets will make the background look better, this one was a bit boring. The backgroundmusic was also a bit boring, please add some different music. You should really add levels and powerups to make the game a bit more interesting. I'm not sure about shooting, either it's just like you just shoot the 3 asteroids and you finished the level or you have 120 mini-asteroids (which you can shoot) that'll leave you no space to move at all so I don't think that such a good idea. Anyway I'll hope your next version is a lot better, good luck with it.