this is something that actually made me laugh
It is Easter for the Bakula Bunnies, click the egg to enter, then click the bunnies to show them the TRUE MEANING of EASTER!!! Hold off the BAKULA BUNNIES until Air Support arives, then test to make sure there are no survivors!
this is something that actually made me laugh
Good try
Needs more work cause the bunnies come back to life and you have to hold down the button to see the whole animation and you never know when it's over. Then the bomb came outta nowhere that was just strange. Maybe next time.
Yay, Bunnies!!!
Hmmm... There's nothing like explodin' a bunch of rabbits in a firey nuclear haulocost. And watching them get devoured by mountain lions... One time, a mountain lion killed my Dad.
Oh, wait... I just made that up.
Why!!?!? Why were these rabbits so sorrowful and suicidal? All they wanted was a little love! And you killed them!
But seriously, folks... There's nothing more annoying than when something is soooo cute that, in addition to having pink fur and eyes, it also has pink blood. Listen up out there... If you've got pink blood, you're just askin' to be murdalized!!! (I learned my vocabulary from Loony Tunes.)
that was good... nice work