pretty good, I liked it. real addictive, and a moderate challenge.
If you wanna see Kelkoo laught press "L" when you play with him.
pretty good, I liked it. real addictive, and a moderate challenge.
Not a bad little game. It was a bit easy with all you had to do is collect trianges and the 3 levels it had didn't vary except for the background. The animation and artwork wasn't bad, at least it wasn't unpleasing to look at. Its entertaing but I would only play it once.
If you collect the shape for the whole round (and don't mind getting a few bad ones), and not real up until the end of the round (even letting time run out) you can easily get a thousand points.
It makes me happy that you posted an English version, it's a pretty good game. But next time just post the English version to begin with lol
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Good game, lots of effort, I can tell.