I thought it was funny. I like your fake-out sense of humor.
The second episode in the world of Huh! Pazzesco and I worked for about two weeks on this, improvising as we went along.
The first episode of the series can be found at:
http://seiyrurenaih.devia ntart.com
Pazzesco: make sure to make some pie...
Enjoy the movie!
(For the replay button at the end to work, after you click it, right click and select 'Play')
I thought it was funny. I like your fake-out sense of humor.
this is kinda stupid......
could of been funnier
better animaton
(just my opinion) no anime what so ever
I couldn't agree more with you. XD This was made 6 years ago, when I quickly realized it was much easier to do voice work than animate things.
funny! i like it. the wall voice sctresses on the internet made me wanna be an actress for the web. you think people willing to let a 13 year old who sounds like a five year old dub their story? no? oh...
It's worth a shot! Ya gotta start somewhere!
Funny stuff i like that u try to make scenes like in family guy. But still it was original good job.
ive seen the first two, which were great and you should go watch now if you havent, and I say they just keep getting better.