Interesting but needs more stuff
Hmm well its an interesting game, with lots of drug type of stuff, not always the best of choices but i guess it was more for the humor of it all, the "INTERACTIVITY" of it all is pretty good, and it seems like it could use more, as for the graphics it could have much better graphics details you did good it just could use abit more details, and also the "BACKROUNDS" could use more effort on your part as these black bland ones just didnt do much it needs some sorta backdrop like a room or street corner to even reflect the content of the game and such, so those few things could be worked on to improve on this game you have here, also more "OPTIONS" of the drugs and stuff would also be nice, but for the mostpart i had fun with this game, just add more stuff next time. anyways good game, more effort is needed.
More effort is needed on a few things such as more props more options for the drugs and an improved backround, and posibly a better preloader
Fun game a little bland though