Why does the paint noise sound like poopy?
UPDATE: Thanks a lot for the front page Tom, Wade, and everyone here at NG! We appreciate all the helpful reviews!
Finally, it is here. After hours of hard work 12 artists finally present to you:
-cook-, Greedom, TwinsenDude, mynamewontfitin, Benny_Creations, elkrobber, Omnilurk, API667, Valtrix, ReNaeNae, SkyRocket, and RuneAura present to you an original collaboration where the artist was only to use 5 shades of green.
Benny_Creations took a slightly different route for this challenge by making a game instead of an animation. He challenges all to beat the full 8 levels of his plane game (or else!)
TwinsenDude took the challenge to animate a full 3D short using only the specified 5 colors.
Be sure to check out the new 5 Shades of Red Collab which should hit Newgrounds by this Valentines Day! (http://newgrounds.com/bbs/topic.php?id=219846)
Menu by Mynamewontfitin
Any response with TD is by TwinsenDude
Why does the paint noise sound like poopy?
This was a good cartoon or cartoons? It just wasn't great. This reminds me of the newer "50 Shades Of Grey" stuff. Thank God this is better. My favorite is probably the CGI one. I liked how one of them was a game.
Well, I couldn't get far with that anyway. The theme was flies or flying, I guess. Green's a pretty good color. It's my brother's favorite! I'd love for you guys to do orange (my favorite color).
Wow, this one takes me back.
pretty damn good
All of you guys are good-great animators. Only ones i wasnt i giant fan of were Twinsendude,benny-creation, and runeaura. Twinsendude's was alright but it had no substance. it was just a fly flying. it was boring needed a plot or some excitement or humor. benny's game was decent but two things. it was far too simple, and I LOVE TM REVOLUTION AND YOU JUST LOOPED THE FIRST 4 SECONDS OF IGNITED. It wouldve been nice to hear the entire song. also its japenese so the lyrical meaning of it wouldnt be understood by most everyone so it wouldn't not belong if you know what i mean. Which is my problem with runeaura's flash. The song didnt seem to belong at all. i may just be dense but the lyrics didnt fit the feel didnt fit it just seems like it didnt belong. also the flash didnt seem to have any significance or plot. it just was...
I didn't like it
I didn't like this collab. I didn't understand most of the content and I only liked Valtrix submission.