Liked it
Good job, I really liked it
This Game Is A Demo Version. I Add Some Sounds, More Sprites And I Fixe The Difficulty (At Least I Hope So....). I Hope Its Better Than The Other One. I Got Some Bad Cretics On The First Version. Try To Find Secret Stuff! (Easy To Find)
Liked it
Good job, I really liked it
nice start.
that was pretty nice. try doing some original material and your in. that game was pretty easy if you used two fingers. i dont know how some morons dont figure this out. nice work, keep it up.
needs improvment
the gameplay of the game sucks and there were a few bugs on the game.... and how the hell does this game work I don't understand!?
Work on...
there were some of bugs... one major one being you can only play it once then... if tou use the right click play to go back to the menu when you try to play again you can click on force and it will go up as high as you can dream but what good does it do if you dont have the timer going as for the other bugs fix this and finish putting in all the others and im sure it will fix itself.
Looks good. The highest I could get the meter was 35 if levels go beyond 30%, maybe you should tweak it a little bit.....*shrug* Good job though, just my humble suggestion