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SPLHCB- Beatles

December 18, 2004 –
July 14, 2009
This entry was deleted.

Here is its eulogy, a collection of the kind words written about it while still among the living. They shall live on forever in its place.

Author Comments

my master peice is finally here, part one of two this is the begining


Great Job, Keep up the good work.

"Will the people in the cheaper seats clap your hands? And the rest of you, if you'll just rattle your jewelry."
- John Lennon, 1963, at the high point of the group's set during the Royal Variety Performance before members of the British Royal Family.

I thought the animation was pretty rad, good choice of song.

dude does anyone nobody knows what John Lennon was even about?

I think not! Cuz if you did you wouldnt be fighting

And the flash was superb except for the ending becasue well it ended...=/

make the second one and kind of slow the animations down a bit

give peace a chance, thomas

ACTUALLY its McCartney that wrote Sgt. Peppr, the song, not the whole album

Once again.... couldn't you have at least TRIED to make the imagery match the song?

like, even a little?

I mean... I found this on the search engine, because I typed in "beatles"

not because I typed in "random shit turning into random other shit while a song plays"

I'd really, really dig it, if not for just that one issue.

Also, I think you mean "Lennon" would have loved it. John LENNON was the famous songwriter.... Vladimir LENIN was the communist russian revolutionary. Either way, John wasn't too fond Sgt Pepper to begin with.


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