how is this gay?
i didnt see anything gay in this submission....... so why the **** did you say it was gay?!?! not that i like it the graphics sucked
haven't really submited anything recent, made this awaile ago, one of first flash movies,
Its about a lost love, sometimes that someone that you really cared about left you for good.
how is this gay?
i didnt see anything gay in this submission....... so why the **** did you say it was gay?!?! not that i like it the graphics sucked
stupid as hell
if sumone shot a real guy in those spots with that gun it wouldnt do that much bleeding right wen he was shot
not to bad...
i don't usually like that kind of stuff...i think it was the violence that got me to like it...anyway all in all it was pretty good
i don't understand it all 2 well at the first scene it's VERY lame how they walk it's a bit a lame movie, but since it's one of ur first movies i'll be a bit nicer -.-'
meh, its average
Well, The important thing is that you actually tried....
This wasn't so bad, but really not that good either, Its ok
Graphics were ok, Its just you need to work on your moments, the walking animation was....well.....terrible. so really, you need to work on your animations........
I found the story more stupid than sad, but that is just my opinion and I know it will appeal to some people, but I never lost a love one like that......
so In closing, nice graphics, and nice backgrands, but sadly, thats about it I found good about the movie, but keep at it!