Well, you could've added some more detail to the tutorials.
Like the action scripts, maybe add some more to it.
I give 7/10
I think that this is perfect for newbs and kinda newbs alike it shows alot of the things that you can do that are cool in flash. Plus I also added a bonus highscore explanation and some music!
Well, you could've added some more detail to the tutorials.
Like the action scripts, maybe add some more to it.
I give 7/10
nice and simple. could gone through it without the music though. other than that nicely done.
not too bad
Its somewhat good and not too bad. But try adding more examples and try to be more specific about some things 'kay? thanks! (PS.Thats not really LOTS!! when it comes to content. Try to be more "honest" with the titile)
it's good help since am 12 and just starting to do sum flash :D
it's a bit vague, use more examples next time.