A very awesome tutorial.
This is a first person shooter (FPS) tutorial that covers the basics of a FPS.
-- Corsshair
-- Enemies
-- Health
-- Ammo
-- Reloading
*If something doesn't work e-mail me and I'll try to help you.*
A very awesome tutorial.
Wazzup Its too GOOD
Best one ever!
I've searched for a tut like this for a couple days!And out of all the tutorials,this is the only one that's easy to follow and works.Oh,and the crossheir part is a little messed up.
i am a big fan of tutorials and i'd have to say yours is one of the best. it has helped me out a lot. i came upon this tutorial by searching for an ammo tut. 'cause i just needed to know how to do the whole ammo thing, but your tut has stuff in it that still wasn't completely sure about which helped me out a lot. thx.
excellent tutorial well done 'twas a very huuuge help :) very informative etc etc... very well put together..