cool but
it needs better graphix
My Doom movie takes place after Taggart gets inside the Hanger and Is forced to kick some ass. If the screen is too small then Manually make it bigger by grabbing the edge of the box. Look People This was my fourth movie that I made when I was 15 years old, so its kinda wack...with that being said.. if you don't like it then you can kiss my ass, cause I dont really care.
cool but
it needs better graphix
ok settin things strait assholes
leave this poor movie maker alone he is just killing some time in somethign he likes and wants to share what he makes with the genral public so plz dont flame this so plz dont rant on about 1 thing he did rong just say "the graphics could use a lil work ;)" or somethign nice if you cant then just register your vote and SHUT THE FUCK UP! also DoomRater its TAGGART not taggErt that is a touchy subject for me cuz i pride myself in [for some wierd twist of fate] having the same last name as the badass doomguy so :P i give everyone a A for effort a grade that varies on fun and a F- if they PISS ME OFF >< good work NARDZ :D
I'm not impressed by this. It developed way too slowly, even after a minute of watching nothing exciting had happened. The graphics were pretty poorly done. Like the part with the body on the ground, the blood was poorly drawn in and just looked stupid. As did the part where he was carrying the pistol. The sound effects weren't bad, and the silence kid of added to the suspense. This movie wasn't that great.
Not bad...but...
The animation was to me a bit cruddy, but I like your effort, so it evened out. 2nd, the imp looked like a mutated koopa (not dissin you, just sayin man)
but I llike your work. and I really don't mind how you carry yourself in your flash creations. just practice.
Heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh
Rule number one when making a flash movie about Doom- DON"T TALK ABOUT FLYNN TAGGERT. Rule number two- Don't assocciate yourself with the books. That being said, your use of sounds is nice (but imps don't make that sound- zombies do) and quite on key. But yeah, you've got a long road ahead of you when it comes to animation. Practice practice practice.