well not bad, but it could have been better. i liked the layout and the formatting was ok but the stop all sounds button could have been done with a button clip and a stop sound script. i have seen many sound boards and thins one was ok
Heres somethin for you to play with.When your votin,remember that you can get a protection point if you vote 5!
well not bad, but it could have been better. i liked the layout and the formatting was ok but the stop all sounds button could have been done with a button clip and a stop sound script. i have seen many sound boards and thins one was ok
Thanx,i know theres a lot i need to improve.Ill make a better version one day.
crappy FX
If you vote zero you get a blam point.
you are the 3rd person that sais that.My answer for the third time is that you wont get a blam point if this isnt blammed!!!
i might get a protection point if i vote 5
or i could get a blam point for voting 0 on your piece of shit
or you could get a protection point if you vote 5...
or a blam if you vote zero
dont beg for 5, it makes you look pitiful. as for a review...
its decent, touch up the buttons(make em 3d or something) lose the LP (jk you are allowed to like what u like but they suck) and add keyboard hotkeys (someone recently submitted a hotkey drumpad... try to find it/him and maybe u could colaborate)
Thanx 4 the review.ill make a better one.