Gave me a chuckle
Notbad on this one, gave me a chuckle, i would suggest more backround detail and maybe make it a tad long for more viewing pleaseur, anyways nice work and good effort.
A simple little movie that started as the credits for a science project and turned into this... thing. It's mildy funny and features a character of Legendary Frog fame. By the way, you can watch this on his site.
Gave me a chuckle
Notbad on this one, gave me a chuckle, i would suggest more backround detail and maybe make it a tad long for more viewing pleaseur, anyways nice work and good effort.
nice austin powers music.
This is preety funny, not the best, but funny.
That's all I was aiming for.
well, 2 things,
one, it was ok, and made me laugh becuse of saron... DANCING WITH A BUNCH OF FLOWERS AND HIPPIE SIMBOLS.. wheres the evil in that!?very well done, made me laugh and
two: about that review i sent about that "Fragging the flood 2.0" i think it was, i horribly pissed you off, and we dont need a bunch of assholes roaming Newgrounds so im here to help improve, and not hate just appreciate
you could do a few things like
1. since it is called "fragging the flood" you should get some grenades
2. like in 4.0' you should get multiple weapons. but why the pistol, and not a rocket launcher,
3.have it so the flood can shoot back at you, i know i sound like a bossy fucker. i dont even know how hard that probly is, but you could put damage on a timer of somesort like if you dont kill the fucker in like 5 seconds, you lose like 1 20th of your health bar when u lose all your health your fucking dead.
4. if you do put rockets and grenades make sure that the backround will burn aswell...
5. no hard feelings i was just rell mad about all this crappy halo shit, and i must consider that youguys cand coppy the same stuff that bungie dose,they have a whole team, or company that dose it. what you do is good along with everybody else. if we can put our diffrences aside. i guess i might be able to help you with some artwork if i dont suck ass at it you'll probly do better then me
- final_64@hotmail -
The whole thing is simple. I know very little actionscript. The Crimson Skies game was a piece of pure luck (and help from friends). I lack coding 1337ness.
And this is funny because...
This was complete crap and a waste of my time. *rolls eyes* I know I haven't sent in anything so I shouldn't be talking but Legendary Frog would be ashamed that you used Sauron the way you did. Do us all a favor and fix it.
WW (aka ILoveTF)
Acually, LF liked it enough to put it on his site as a fan movie.
Not the best drawn or animated but it was bloody hilarious, great song, keep it up.