Thanks To Krinkels For giving the sounds and models hope you enjoy this short film , This madness Trbiute was made for krinkels the best animator ive seen
Pretty good, wish it was the actual thing
Looks great!
what the hell are you trying to prove I MEAN WHATS NEW!!!!!
Okay. Sure. Whatever.
You call this evolved? Why? Because everything's in slow motion and now just any madness character can stop bullets? I suppose that makes sense.. however the rest of the video doesn't. If not for Krinkel lending you the sound effects, it would have been rated even lower (just kidding, it can't be rated any lower unfortunately). It was short, bland, and useless... three traits of a video that I will not tolerate. Stop with the frigging clones already! If you want clones, watch Star Wars for Pete's sake. So says Dr. Manhattan...
Dont give anyone else the sounds and stuff because its ruining maddness combat!