the stick mans are OK...
This is my first movie. all music was made by me. Most sounds from and this took 10 days. my first attempt at a stick fight. Stick Arena 1. Please review it!
UPDATE: Wow with all the good reviews im getting i just might make a second one. Thanks, .if i spent maybe twice the time and increased fps from 15 to 24 i could make it much smoother. Someone should email me and give me some more helpful tips like you guys
. my msn is and if someone who is more exprienced with stick films could give me advice as i make the second one ; thatd be great
the stick mans are OK...
Great for your first flash.
I liked it and definitely think you should make a second!
good work, granted the stick were a little poor but the fights were sweet. if you didn't intend to, make more anyway lol
OK THat was kool
SO the animation was great The backgrounds were kool to. and the weapons were OK so good job dude
This is so cool! I gave it a five.