Tee Hee Hee
This was really funny man, mullets ARE funny, forget the self proclaimed critics and do what you want- SO LOVE IT!!!!
With his mullet blowing in the restless wind, Rojer, our all american badass cruises the soutern strip in his vintage Subaru Brat. This trusty vehicle, which actually resembles the look of his legendary haircut, serves to be the perfect tool in attracting them underage hotties. To those who are about to rock, we salute you......
Tee Hee Hee
This was really funny man, mullets ARE funny, forget the self proclaimed critics and do what you want- SO LOVE IT!!!!
This is most likely...
The funniest thing Ive seen all day.... You have to make more....correction..You will make more ; )
mullets cause acne becuse they cover ur skin to much in the back hence th eacne
hmmmm it may LOOK good
But really. The characters are well drawn. but everything elese you just trace bitmaped.
Luckeyly fer you NEwgrounds is full of newbs who dont know what that is. But basically u take a picture. Press a button and POOF its an amazing cartoon drawing of that picture. About 90% of this movie is that
but i do give you credit for the characters and the funny fat old lady
kinda boring....
but not bad....not bad at all.....